Dr. Michelene Pesantubbee Religion and Social Justice Award

The Dr. Michelene Pesantubbee Religion and Social Justice award is an annual award to honor the memory of Dr. Pesantubbee (1954-2021), who was for many years a professor of Native American Religious Traditions in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Iowa. Dr. Pesantubbee was passionate about the study of religion. Her research and teaching addressed religions’ power to promote greater social justice or, instead, to legitimize injustice and oppression. This award is for an undergraduate paper or a community project that illuminates some aspect of the relationship between religion and social justice/injustice. Special attention will be given to papers or projects that focus on Native American rights and concerns, but all applications are welcome.

To apply, please submit the following materials:

  • a 1-2 page cover letter indicating how your paper or project furthers human understanding of the relationship between religion and social justice/injustice;
  • a copy of the paper or a description of the project;
  • and a letter of reference from a faculty member who can speak to your engagement with matters of social justice.

Questions about the application can be submitted to religion@uiowa.edu

Department of Religious Studies
Supplemental Questions
  1. Cover Letter

    Upload a 1-2 page cover letter indicating how the paper or community project furthers human understanding of the relationship between religion and social justice/injustice.
  2. File Upload

    Upload a copy of your undergraduate paper. If your application is based on a community project, upload a description of the project.
  3. Letter of Recommendation:
    Please provide the name and email address of a faculty member who can speak to your engagement with matters of social justice.

    Guidelines for Requesting Letters of Recommendation

    STEP 1: Contact your references as early as possible to confirm your reference’s ability to write you a letter of recommendation by the application deadline.

    STEP 2: Enter the full name and University email address for your recommender below. When the request is saved to our system, a prompt with instructions and deadline information will be shared with your faculty recommender. An applicant may submit their applications BEFORE their letter of recommendation is submitted, but a recommender is not able to submit their letter until the applicant has entered their contact information into the electronic application form. DO NOT use our electronic prompt as your formal request or first contact with your faculty reference! This message is generated as a courtesy, but should be preceded by your direct request for a reference.

    STEP 3: Follow up personally with your recommender to confirm receipt of the message and to make sure that they are comfortable with the accompanying guidelines for submission.
  4. By signing below, I certify that all information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Further, I understand that consideration for scholarships may be denied or revoked if any information is found to be incomplete or inaccurate. My signature acknowledges that the University of Iowa will include my academic record with my scholarship application and to release pertinent information to the scholarship selection committees. My signature below expressly authorizes the University of Iowa to share my name and email address with University of Iowa Center for Advancement for publications and thanking donors who made the award possible.
    • 1. Signature (Type Full Name):
    • 2. Today's Date